Aceh Pasca Pilkada 2017: Dari Populisme hingga Harapan Demokrasi Baru


Teuku Kemal Fasya


This article analyzes the opportunities political change in Aceh post-local election 2017, which can be called a new phase towards the post-conflict democracy and tsunami transition. Simultaneous local election in 2017, either in provincial or districts/municipals in Aceh, are marked with massive defeat of Aceh Party (PA) in most areas. This reality shows that there is a decline of support from the ex-combatant’s political forces in government politics. This article also sees the opportunity of the Irwandi Jusuf - Nova Iriansyah (IrNo), as the winner of governor election to be a new political hope in Aceh, replacing the political power that is attached to identity politics with the spirit of ethnonationalism, into a new local substantial democracy. However, this new government will also face the challenge of political involution which is the trap of populism; something that has been implicated in the government elected through a democratic process. One of the agenda of populism that could threaten substantial democracy is to harden the politics of Islamic discriminatory law against minority groups.


How to Cite
Teuku Kemal Fasya. (2024). Aceh Pasca Pilkada 2017: Dari Populisme hingga Harapan Demokrasi Baru. Tashwirul Afkar, 37(1), 132-155. Retrieved from
